the mission
The mission of WOS is to provide young people with the tools to make positive, lasting change alongside the current environmental movement. We strive to build foundations for young leaders to shape the sustainable future they envision.
Watch Our Step is committed to empowering young people to serve, lead, and inspire in their own unique ways. Here, we can learn from each other. Together, we can make a difference. ​
Learn from the stories of other changemakers, overcome challenges with the youth community, and lay the groundwork for your own advocacy journey here!
Watch Our Step is about empowering young people to lead, advocate, and chart the course for their own impact. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
What's in a name?
...us collaborate
...the journey
...the change
...with integrity
Check out our Resources tab for ways that you can personally be involved. From environmental internships to service and leadership opportunities, we aim to get you connected with the changemaking experiences that can make an impact.
Leave your footprint. ​And don't forget to visit our Blog page for tips from prominent young leaders to discover their advice for living a more sustainable, more environmentally-friendly life!
Watch us grow.
Our collective action.
Step gently.